Working Papers 2009 2009 1/2009 Financial convergence in transition economies 2/2009 La decisión de endeudamiento y los factores de mayor relevancia 2010 2010 3/2010 Measuring Service Quality in Sport Management 2011 2011 4/2011 Competitive Positioning of Spanish Agricultural Cooperatives 5/2011 Análisis mediante ratios financieros de la propiedad bancaria en los nuevos miembros de la UE 2012 2012 6/2012 Optimal Capital Structure: A Trade-Off Model and its Empirical Testing 2013 2013 7/2023 The Persistence of return on assets: differences between industries and differences between firms 8/2013 Ownership change and banking efficiency in the new EU members 2014 2014 9/2014 Audit expectation gap. A comparative study Romania-Spain 2015 2015 10/2015 Anàlisi dels factors d'elecció de la Universitat de Lleida. La demanda universitària a les Terres de Lleida. 2016 2016 11/2016 Exploring the Determinant Factors of Dynamic Entrepreneurship in the Wine Industry in Chile 12/2016 The predictability of financial data on post-entry success or failure before and during the recent crisis 2018 2018 13/2018 Determinantes del rápido crecimiento de los beneficios: evidencia en bodegas familiares chilenas 14/2018 How does board characteristics and insider ownership affect non-performing loans (NPLS) in European banking? 15/2018 A study on the impacts of firm-specific and industry-specific factors on the survival-based success of Spanish new firms 2019 2019 16/2019 Eficiencia de mercado y aplicación de test de estacionariedad al modelo de valoración CAPM en el mercado bursátil chileno 17/2019 Cost Structure and Economies of Scale in Chilean Traditional Universities: Comparative Study between State and Private Universities of CRUCH 2020 2020 18/2020 Entrepreneurial Intentions: The moderating Role of Parental Self-Employment 2022 2022 19/2022 Determinants of the profitability of pig production in Spain 2025 2025 20/2025 New Trends in Accounting and Management